+49 (0) 421 9600-10

Corporate governance and equity investments

In addition to its divisions, Bremeninvest has various subsidiaries and equity investments for structural, political and strategic reasons. It also exercises shareholder functions in companies on a fiduciary basis on behalf of the Bremen region. Bremen's development bank (Bremer Aufbau-Bank-GmbH) and the H.A.G.E. Grunstücksverwaltungsgesellschaft are among its most important subsidiaries. Information about all other companies and the respective shareholdings can be downloaded here.

A selection of companies and the respective shareholdings:

  • Bremer Aufbau-Bank GmbH (100%)
  • Bremerhavener Innovations- und Gründerzentrum (BRIG) GmbH (48,01%)
  • GVZ Entwicklungs-Gesellschaft Bremen GmbH (26.47%)

Members of the supervisory board of Bremeninvest

  • Senatorin Kristina Vogt
    The Senator for Economic Affairs, Ports and Transformation (chairwoman)

  • Jörg Peters
    Senate Office

  • Melf Grantz
    Mayor of Bremerhaven

  • Kai Jürgens
    Senate Office

  • Staatsrat Dr. Martin Hagen
    State Councillor for the Senator for Finance

  • Dr. Ralph Baumheier
    Abteilungsleiter in der Senatskanzlei

  • Janina Marahrens-Hashagen
    Vice-President of the Bremen Chamber of Commerce - IHK for Bremen and Bremerhaven, Managing Partner / CEO of H. Marahrens GmbH Schiffs- und Sicherheitsbeschilderung

  • Thomas Kurzke
    President of the Bremen Chamber of Skilled Trades, CEO Kurzke GmbH & Co. Malereibetrieb KG

  • Senator Kathrin Moosdorf
    The Senator for Environment, Climate and Science

  • Marc Bernhard
    Chairman of the Works Council and Bremeninvest employee (vice chairman)

  • Christina Schmidt-Bohlmann
    WFB/Bremeninvest employee

  • Dana Beckmann
    WFB/Bremeninvest employee

  • Ray Ivens
    WFB/Bremeninvest employee