This is us
Your service for Bremen's economy - all services from a single source
Because we love Bremen
Bremen is great. We make this visible and support local companies and stakeholders. We achieve more - for the city, its economy and its citizens.
A strong business location. An attractive tourist destination. A place with a high quality of life that combines the offerings of a major city with Hanseatic charm, leisure activities, culture and greenery. Bremen is all of this. We make sure that as many people as possible find out about it and find the best conditions here - whether for their next trip, their own company, the further development of their business or even the relocation of the center of their lives.
A strong location does not develop on its own. It needs people who are committed and networks that work together on further development. And it takes a forward-looking approach to create a breeding ground for economic security and the future viability of all those who live and work here. This is at the heart of everything we work on each day.
As an economic development agency, we are broadly positioned. We take on a variety of tasks in the service of Bremen and thus ensure more: more economic development through suitable offers for local companies, more companies settling here and more jobs, more income for the Free Hanseatic City, more impetus for urban development, more attractive offers through campaigns and the promotion of cultural projects, more visibility for the location and the commitment of all those who work here, more guests who are enthusiastic about Bremen.
We show what Bremen has to offer and actively contribute to its further development. And we do this with success.
Bremeninvest - a brand of WFB Wirtschaftsförderung Bremen GmbH
Here you can find the structure of Bremeninvest, our activities and our mission
Bremeninvest (a brand of WFB) has a corporate culture that is based on everyone treating each other fairly, working together as partners within the company, and interacting with our customers, clients and partner organisations in a respectful, fair manner.
We treat everyone in the same way and do not discriminate against anyone on the grounds of their ethnic origin, gender, religion, disability, age or sexuality. For this reason, we are actively engaged in inclusion and giving everyone equal opportunities. We reject every form of discrimination.
Diversity management and inclusion have been core elements of our human resources policies for many years. Our management teams and colleagues receive regular training in these topics. Every employee is jointly responsible for consistently calling out any form of discrimination and bullying. Our "Fair geht vor" ("Fairness first") company-wide policies defining mandatory in-house regulations and preventive measures, signed in 2017, clearly set out our position. Our "Inklusion für gleichgestellte und schwerbehinderte Menschen" (Inclusion for people with severe disabilities or those with an equivalent status) company policy, signed in 2018, set out how we will employ, promote and support people with disabilities. At Bremeninvest, we attach great importance to working with people with disabilities. This is why our inclusivity policy, which came into force in 2007, requires that people with severe disabilities make up at least six percent of our workforce. We have exceeded this quota.
Our diversity management policies also include providing support for our employees, to ensure that they have a just work/life balance. This includes having flexible, mobile working time models, providing help with childcare and opportunities for working at home for family reasons (company policy from 2015). We also regularly hold in-house seminars and programs of talks about every aspect of caring for dependants, healthcare management and resilience. Since 2008, Bremeninvest/the WFB has regularly been awarded "berufundfamilie" (employment and family) certification in recognition of our family-conscious policies.
Bremeninvest/The WFB is also a long-standing member of the association responsible for awarding the Bremen Diversity prize. This association is a consortium of Bremen-based companies and institutions, based in Bremen, which promote diversity issues and provide strategic and financial support for this prize.
High-quality apprenticeships is a key strength of the German economy. It can be provided as part of a traditional apprenticeship in a recognised trade or in combination with a university degree. We make our contribution to this important component of the economy and society by training the skilled workers of tomorrow. For various occupations, we offer apprenticeship places and options for combining vocational training with study at a university. Internships are also available in various departments of Bremeninvest.
The division Economic development and administrative services consists of four departments: Real Estate & Construction, Corporate Services/Commercial Space, Acquisition and Projects and Commercial Services, and three staff units: Corporate Communications, Legal Services/Investments and Auditing.
The core day-to-day activities in the economic development division encompass sales and business services, innovation support, land development, high rise construction and real estate. For example, the division develops and markets industrial estates on behalf of the regional government, including the Technology Park at the University of Bremen or Bremen Airport-City close to the city's airport. The regeneration of Überseestadt (New Harbour District) is also attracting attention from all over Germany. Additionally, Bremeninvest manages around 100 municipally owned properties and sites.
Providing support for companies that are already based in Bremen and attracting new ones to invest in the city are two of the division's main responsibilities. It also implements various funding programmes, supports the Bremen region's innovation cluster and manages the Bremen technology and start-up centres.
The administrative services department is responsible for functions such as HR management/organisation, accounting, finance, IT organisation and HR for the company as a whole.
Support departments
The support departments responsible for law and equity investments, internal audit and procurement support functions and for corporate communications form part of the division and report directly to the CEO.
The Marketing and Tourism business unit is made up of three departments: Bremen Marketing, Bremen Online and Bremen Tourismus. It is responsible for brand design, brand architecture and the brand communications strategy.
The marketing department (Bremen Marketing)
The marketing department promotes Bremen as an exciting place to visit and as a hub for science and commerce. It provides funding for cultural and sporting events and promotes cycling tourism in Bremen.
The department also provides services to other business units and subsidiaries of Bremeninvest and functions as a marketing and advertising agency for the Senate departments. It acts as an internal agency to assist the business units and the subsidiary BAB (Bremer Aufbau-Bank GmbH) – the development bank for Bremen and Bremerhaven – by marketing their products and services.
The department is also in charge of print production and promoting Bremen in public advertising spaces. It provides funding for cultural and sporting events of national importance.
The Bremen Online department
The Bremen Online department develops and maintains the websites and, the official social media channels of the Federal State of Bremen and the small ads page ‘Schwarzes Brett’. It makes key information for residents, visitors and other interested parties available in the latest formats and actively communicates with users. The department is fully up to date with the latest online trends and technologies. It also supports Bremeninvest’s online sales and marketing activities and delivers projects for Bremeninvest itself and other public sector organisations.
The tourism department (Bremen Tourismus)
The tourism department is responsible for promoting tourism to Bremen from Germany, Europe and around the world. This includes services in Bremen for day visitors and visitors staying overnight, and for delegates at conferences and conventions in partnership with the Bremen Convention Bureau and the service for businesses, associations and tourism companies. The department also supports the Federal State of Bremen’s tourist information office and its 500 tourism service providers.
Oliver Rau
Marketing and Tourism Division
Managing Director
+49 (0) 421 9600-220
Success Stories
What effects will the sweeping changes in the White House have on Vietnam's economy? Could the current administrative reforms have negative implications for foreign investors? These topics and more will be discussed in the latest Letter from Vietnam.
Learn moreThe British company Clockwise has opened its first German location in Bremen. With locations in London, Belgium, The Netherlands, and now on Martinistraße in the city center, the company follows a clear vision: to create workspaces that are flexible, welcoming, and tailored to the needs of modern professionals.
Learn moreDespite the crisis, the real estate industry in Bremen is shining with numerous new construction projects. Showpieces such as the John & Will Silo Hotel top our list of eight new buildings.
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