New centre for cutting-edge technology ‘made in Bremen’
ECOMAT / lightweight constructionECOMAT research and development centre opens

“Bremen has a long tradition of working together and collaborating on research and development. This is what provides a solid foundation for ECOMAT, which is not only set to become an integral part of the aerospace industry in northern Germany but also represents a milestone in the evolution of materials research,” said Martin Günthner, Senator for Economic Affairs, Labour and Ports on Friday (26 April 2019) at the opening ceremony of the Center for Eco-efficient Materials & Technologies in Airport-Stadt Bremen. He was joined by Michael Göbel, Managing Director of Bremeninvest, as he handed over the ceremonial key to Jean-Brice Dumont, Executive Vice President Engineering at Airbus.
The company is the anchor tenant in the new research and development centre, which will focus on new developments in the key areas of lightweight construction, innovative materials and surface technologies. “The ECOMAT fits perfectly into the research strategy at Airbus. 300 Airbus employees will be working under one roof with our partners in science and industry to conduct research into the future of flying, new materials, working methods and processes,” said Jean-Brice Dumont.
“Bremen has traditionally fostered a close collaboration with our partners in science and industry, and this has now found a home in the ECOMAT. The centre is synonymous with close collaboration, straightforward coordination and faster introduction of new materials in the aerospace sector. It underlines Bremen’s importance to research, development and innovation at Airbus,” added Imke Langhorst, head of the Airbus site in Bremen.

Around 500 experts from science and industry will be working side by side on projects in the centre, which covers an area of approximately 22,000 square metres. “The EcoMaT is the central economic policy initiative for the state of Bremen and an excellent example of successful industrial and innovation policy. Such a project is only achievable by working hand in hand. This is no closed shop; it is a hub for collaboration and technology. In short, it is a new centre for cutting-edge technology ‘made in Bremen’,” Günthner continued.
“We continue to support this development, for example through Bremen’s 2020 aerospace research programme and the Bre3D initiative. I have also made lightweight construction the focus of the conference of Germany’s economic ministries in June, where I will be joined by my colleagues in national and regional government,” concluded the senator.
“This building was an extremely complicated project that presented us with unique challenges. It has been tailored to the specific requirements of our tenants and was constructed within the framework for public-sector principals. The Bremen Fibre Institute will commence full operation here over the coming week, and that makes us very proud. It would have been impossible to accomplish without the close cooperation of all parties involved, and we would therefore like to thank all our partners,” said Michael Göbel, Managing Director of Bremeninvest.
The EcoMaT project is run by the Federal State of Bremen in collaboration with Airbus and other partners. The building is owned by H.A.G.E. Grundstücksverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH, a subsidiary of Bremeninvest. The planned investment of around €73 million is to be funded through leasing over a period of around 33 years. In addition to anchor tenants Airbus, TESTIA GmbH and the Bremen Fibre Institute (FIBRE), other tenants include a number of industry partners, medium-sized businesses and research institutes, such as the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials (IFAM) and the German Aerospace Center (DLR).
Further details are available at
Bastian Müller
Ministry of Economic Affairs, Ports and Transformation
ECOMAT project manager
+49 (0) 421 361-32292
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