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Überseestadt (New Harbour District)

Breathing new life into old docklands

Bremen's Überseestadt docklands are currently undergoing a transformation. A whole new district of the city is being created in an area covering 300 hectares – right next to Bremen's city centre and with lots of exclusive waterside locations. The historical docks and port industry are now complemented by modern architecture. Vast red-brick warehouses have been converted into office and retail complexes.

But the maritime economy is still a presence and provides a captivating contrast between the traditional and the modern. And Überseestadt is not just a place to work, people live there too: the first new buildings on the banks of the river Weser and lofts in converted warehouses have been successfully launched on the market.

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Key data:

  • Total land area (gross): 288 hectares
  • Areas of different sizes available
  • Total marketable area: approx. 119.2 ha (of which marketed: 93.5 ha as of 09/2023)
  • approx. 1,200 companies (business premises) with approx. 19,710 employees registered in Überseestadt (as of 2021)
  • Investment volume over the entire period: approx. 485 million euros of public investments (initial investments) are planned, of which 317 million euros have been approved to date (as of 09/2023)
  • Approx. 2 billion euros in private investments (land purchases, initial and maintenance investments) are expected, initial investments of around 1.22 billion euros have been approved or already realized (as of 09/2023).


  • One of the largest urban development projects in Europe
  • Attractive premises in direct water position
  • 2 km from the historic centre of Bremen
  • Flexible usage options
  • Maritime ambience
  • Grown structures
  • Mix of trades and industry
  • Culture, recreation and shopping


  • Service sector, trade and industry
  • Port Management / Logistics
  • Housing
  • Leisure and Gastronomy

traffic infrastructure

  • Direct connection to the city center by public transport
  • Transport connections via A 27, A 281 and B 6
  • Connection to the footpath and cycle path via the Schlachte, Bremen's maritime promenade at the Weser

Commercial land and premises

Überseestadt (New Harbour District) offers a range of vacant commercial land and premises owned by the local authority. Please contact us for more information.

You can also use our property search function to find out about the commercial premises on offer. And we can meet you in person, of course, to tell you about the properties that suit your needs and any alternatives you might want to consider.

The Bremen property finder

Our Bremen property finder is a free service. We market all municipal commercial property and also have a portfolio of privately owned properties for sale or lease.

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