+49 (0) 421 9600-10
We say Moin in Bremen - welcome to Bremen! - Quelle: WFB/Carina Tank

Foreign Business Club

For international clients of Bremeninvest

Dear Partners,

The Bremeninvest team has always been there to support you with opening businesses in Bremen and will continue to provide you with the best possible service.

We are delighted to announce the launch of the FOREIGN BUSINESS CLUB (under the patronage of Bremeninvest), an informal association that unites our international clients.

Our aim is to create a platform bringing together foreign business people in Bremen and providing opportunity for networking, experience exchange and exploring.

What will Foreign Business Club offer?

  • Visits to outstanding Bremen enterprises
  • Meetings with experts
  • Workshops / Seminars
  • Sightseeing tours
  • Cultural and leisure events
  • Informal ‘get-together’ meetings
  • Annual christmas reception

The affiliation with the Club is free of charge. Expats in leadership positions are welcomed to join the Club. The language of the Club is English.

If you are interested in participating in the activities of the Foreign Business Club, please send an e-mail to Anna Heines.

Anna Heines

Corporate Services + Location Development

Project Manager International Clients Support and WTC Customer Service

+49 (0) 421 9600-241


Registration for the next meeting of the Foreign Business Club is now open:

Bremen Heritage: Bremer Ratskeller Tour

Friday, May 17th, 2024

  • 15:30 to 16:30 h
  • Venue: Bremer Ratskeller (Schoppensteel 1)

Hidden in the cellar vault of the UNESCO World Heritage is the Bremen Ratskeller, famous for the largest collection of German wines worldwide, because up to 150,000 bottles are stored here.

The Ratskeller looks back on over 600 years of history and impresses with fragrant wooden barrels in a rustic atmosphere.

During the guided tour, we will learn how wine found its way to Bremen, what makes the Ratskeller so special and why even poets, composers and Kaiser Wilhelm II appreciated it.

The participation in the event is free of charge and subject to prior registration. The group is limited to 15 attendees.

Don’t miss a chance to join this unique tour and sign up for it asap.

For further information please contact the Club’s moderator - Ms. Anna Heines:
anna.heines@wfb-bremen.de / Tel.: + 49 421 96 00 241