+49 (0) 421 9600-10

Jan-Hinrich Brumloop

Head of Technology

Company Description

BLG LOGISTICS is a seaport and logistics service provider with an international network. For more than 145 years, our hallmark has been logistics driven by both passion and pragmatism. We create logistics for our customers in retail and industry by applying our expertise to develop and implement innovative, highly sophisticated and future-oriented solutions. Today, the BLG Group is represented with almost 100 locations and branches in Europe, America, Africa and Asia. Our AUTOMOBILE and CONTAINER divisions are market leaders in Europe. Our CONTRACT division is among Germany's leading providers.

Company Product/Service

Automotive Logistics, Container Logistics, Port Logistics, Contract Logistics, Transport Logistics

What do you want to get out of the tour?

AI and Robotics Solutions to support process improvement within contract or port logistics

What opportunities are you looking for?

Contacts and networking opportunities with companies or research facilities in the US which are offering innovative solutions for AI or Robotics